
Sponsored by Brian Hagg
Rapid City / Past South Dakota Hall of Fame Board Member

Over 80 Years of South Dakota History: The Bill Groethe Photography Studio

The South Dakota Hall of Fame is honored for the opportunity to share throughout South Dakota the legacy of Inductee Bill Groethe through this exhibit.  His work as a photographer spans nearly 80 years, and he has captured the shaping of our state like no other. Born and raised in Rapid City, South Dakota in 1923, Bill picked his first camera up at age 12. His passion for documenting regional historical events and scenery led to his most famous work featuring photographs of Nicholas Black Elk and the Lakota moons. Because Groethe choose to not use any filters, this photo series, including the famous image “Moon of the Ripe Cherries,” took over 10 years to complete. Bill Groethe continued practicing his craft until his passing in 2020, and advocated for the art of shooting and developing film photography in a digital age. 

Bill Groethe’s works are housed in multiple locations across the U.S. from the Rapid City Regional Airport, Mount Rushmore National Monument all the way to the archives of the Smithsonian Institute. 

Photos From the Exhibit